Образование через всю жизнь | (Русский) Поездка в крепость “Орешек”

Материалы конференций


3 – 5, June 2016


Russia, Saint Petersburg

The United Nations Educational, Scientific

and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 


world commettee for lifelong learning

France, Paris


Inter-parliamentary Assembly

of EurAsian Economic Community

Russia, Saint Petersburg  


The Leningrad State University

named after A.S. Pushkin

(the hosting organization of the conference)

Russia, Saint Petersburg  



(the hosting organization of the 2nd stage of the conference)

Russia, Krasnoyarsk


INSTITUTE OF strategy and education THEORY


Russia, Moscow


UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

Germany, Hamburg


National Center of UNESCO/UNEVOK in the Russian Federation

Russia, Moscow


Representation of the National Center of UNESCO/UNEVOK

in the Russian Federation for the Leningrad Region

Russia, Saint Petersburg


National Academy of Education

named after Y. Altynsarin

Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana


Tajik State Pedagogical University

named after S. Ayni

the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe



Yapan, Nagoya



 Russia, Moscow




Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent




Canada, Terrebonne


UNESCO/UNEVOK CENTER at Hong Kong  Institute of Education

Hong Kong










The first stage – 3–5, June 2016, Russia, Saint Petersburg

The second stage – 22–24, September 2016, Russia, Krasnoyarsk



Chairman – Viacheslav N. Skvortsov, rector of the Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin, Dr. (Economics), PhD (Education), full professor (Russia, Saint Petersburg).

Co-chairman – Nikolay A. Lobanov, director of the Research Institute for Social, Economic and Pedagogical Problems of Continuous Education of Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin, Full professor (Russia, Saint Petersburg).

Co-Chairman of the 2nd stageYevgeny A. Vaganov, rector of the Siberian Federal University, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, full professor (Russia, Krasnoyarsk).


Members of the Organizing Committee:

Yves Attou – president of the World Committee for Lifelong Learning (France, Paris).

Zhanbol O. Zhilbaev – president of National Academy of Education n.a. Y. Altynsarin (Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana).

Svetlana V. Ivanova – director of the Institute of Strategy and Education Theory of the Russian Academy of Education, Dr. (Education), full professor, (Russia, Moscow).

Arne Carlsen – Director of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Honorary professor at Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin, Honorary professor at International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education (India), Honorary professor at University of Latvia, Honorary professor at Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences (Germany, Hamburg).

Tatiana Yu. Lomakina  – Director of the National UNESCO\UNEVOC Centre in Russian Federation, Head of the Centre of «Institute for Strategy of Education

Development of the Russian Academy of Education», Dr. (Education), (Russia, Moscow).

Eugenia I. Mikhailova – rector of North-Eastern Federal University n.a. M.K. Ammosov, member of the Russian Academy of Education, Dr. (Education), PhD (Psychology) (Russia, Yakutsk).

Margarita Pavlova  – director of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Center, Hong Kong Institute of Education, PhD (China, Hong Kong).

Abdudzhabbor A. Rakhmonov – assistant to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for social development affairs and public relations, member of the Academy of  Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dr. (Education), full professor (Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe).

Khikmatulla F. Rashidov – director of Uzbek Research Institute for pedagogical sciences n.a. Kary Niyazi, Dr. (Education), full professor, Honorary Professor at Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin (Uzbekistan, Tashkent).

Georgiy A. Rudik – director of the Centre of Contemporary Pedagogy «Education without borders», professor, Dr. (Pedagogy), PhD (Engineering) (Canada, Terrebonne).

Olga G. Smolyninova – director of the Institute of Pedagogics, Psychology and Sociology, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, full professor, Dr. (Education), Siberian Federal University (Russia, Krasnoyarsk).

Annely Temmes – general director of the Finnish Institute of Public Management (Finland, Helsinki).

Yury V. Senko – professor of the UNESCO department, member of the Russian Academy of Education, full member of the International Academy of the Humanitarian Education, Altai State University (Russia, Barnaul).

Yevgeny S. Szhenov – president of the International Association for Continuing Education, head of the expert group of the Commission of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, PhD (Social Sciences) (Russia, Moscow).

Nikolay V. Susha – rector of the Minsk Innovation University, Dr. (Economics), full professor (Republic of Belarus, Minsk).


The Secretariate. Staff of the RISEPPCE of Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin:

Tatiana V. Prok, PhD (Economics), senior researcher, Head of the Secretariat; Anna V. Dubko, junior researcher, master of finances and banking; Andrey V. Koivunen, junior researcher; Anastasia M. Iordanskaya, research assistant.


Organizational support. Natural Sciences, Geography and Tourism Department; Educational and tourist center «Tsarskoye Selo Campus» of Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin.




June, 2 2016                     Arrival, check-in at the hotels. 

June, 3 2016                     Plenary meeting, Round tables.

June, 4 2016                     Round tables.

June ,5 2016                     Cultural and Education programme. 

June, 6 2016                     Departure of the conference participants.



1. Discussion of the fundamental and applied aspects of continuous education for sustainable development. 2. Promotion and practical application of the main trends of UNESCO, UNESCO National committees, national doctrines and pragmatic innovations in the field of continuous education and lifelong learning. 3. Widening of international interdisciplinary cooperation of educators, researchers and managers of education system (from school directors to the minister of education) in the field of continuous education.  4. Developing the network of institutes and universities, scientific, educational and research centers of continuous education. 5. Suggestions of the conference participants for international pedagogic community and organizers of all educational levers.







(The program will be formed according to the received suggestions

from the conference participants)




Round table #1.

Challenge. The main trend of lifelong learning is learning rural settlement, learning city, learning region, learning country, learning planet. Lifelong learning as separate branch of international and national law: problems of forming and development; place and role of the lifelong learning in the national legislation. Global network of continuous education and problems of development of the international law to regulate lifelong learning as supernational educational process.


Discussion topic. Is the global open system of continuous education being formed now? What role in this world process is played by UNESCO, other international educational organizations and national systems of lifelong learning? What are the trends of modern national models of lifelong learning? Are they in correlation with the goal of the main trend of lifelong learning? Is the global network of lifelong learning being formed destroys the historically formed national educational systems or is it the way for the national benefit and world sustainability? Is there any need in international regulation of the continuous education? Is forming of the lifelong learning society a utopia or reality? Is it time to replace one of the most important human constitutional rights by human right to continuous education?





Round table #2

Challenge. Pedagogical science and practice of continuous education in the focus of modernization and education renewal: national and world experience. Theoretic, methodological and axiological problems of continuous education for sustainable development: new educational values for sustainable development; mission of lifelong learning in the context of global and local society problems.


Discussion topic. Is modernization and renewal of education caused by the development of pedagogical science and practice or the development of pedagogical science and practice caused by the institutional influence of education renewal? Though which social channels and mechanism continuous education influence or can influence the world sustainable development?


Round table #3

Challenge. Competence, competitiveness and ethics are main contents and imperatives of modern continuous education. Lifelong development of human professional competences: place and role of the state, society and human himself in practical implementation of this process.


Discussion topic. Are the ethical and humanistic fundamentals of future employee’s personality development not pushed out with the modern stringent requirements of competence and competitiveness in educational process? General and branch criteria of employee’s competence. Is it possible to consider employee’s competitiveness and competence in isolation from his moral conduct? Does the modern pedagogical science in the context of continuous education organization influence the mitigation of general, as well as employment and domestic cruelty both in a separate region, country and the whole world?


Round table #4

Challenge. Social partnership in the system of professional continuous education: its forms and national particularities, levels of social partnership, its branch popularity, problems of  partnership relations establishment, its benefit and negative side, assessment of its efficiency.


Discussion topic. Is social partnership a new developing form of cooperation in the system of continuous education or the temporary way of challenges overcoming in modern system of education? Are full rights of social partnership participants provided in educational process and which factors can influence it? Are short-term and long-term educational interests of the state provided in real activities of the social partnership? What are the development prospects of this kind of educational relationship?



Round table #5

Challenge. Continuation and contingence of each levels of lifelong learning: preschool education, school education and upbringing, initial professional education, secondary professional education, higher professional education, additional professional education, advanced training and retraining. New pedagogical and organizational strategies in continuous education.


Discussion topic. Are continuation and contingence concepts of all educational levels reply to educational standards, educational programs and practice of its implication? Can all offered pedagogical and organizational strategies in continuous education be called innovational? Are the social roles of educator and learner being changed at various levels of continuous education and what is the dialectics of this process? What does continuous education bring new to this process? 


Round table #6

Challenge. Secular and religious education: historical traditions and the current state. Secular and religious education in the context of continuous education: global and national problems. The church and its formal and informal role in national education system, in intellectual and moral development of student’s personality. System of religious professional continuous education.


Discussion topic. What unites religious and secular continuous education? What are confessional national differences of church’s influence on secular continuous education and spiritual development of personality of a student and an employee?


Round table #7

Challenge. Pedagogical and organizational strategies, social and legal conditions in lifelong learning for people with special needs and people of the third age, its practice and implementation. Integration problems of people with special needs and people of the third age in the educational field of a region. Opportunities and difficulties people with special needs and people of the third age face on labor market.


Discussion topic. Are multilevel continuous education always available for people with special needs and people of the third age? Are all levels of continuous education providing necessary conditions for inclusive education? What are job opportunities for people with special needs after getting vocational education? Is labor market ready to receive them?


Round table #8

Challenge. Methods and technologies of lifelong learning and continuous education used in everyday pedagogical practice. Experience sharing. Creative pedagogy as condition of development of a new type professional in the system of professional continuous education.


Discussion topic. Can offered and applied methods and technologies of lifelong learning and continuous education be always considered as innovative ones and what are the proofs of their innovative aspects?


Round table #10

Challenge. Adult continuous education: new forms of organization and technology. Development of the adult continuous education system as strategic vector of workforce capacity of Russia.


Discussion topic. What are the priorities of adult continuous education system in Russia? Do we have successful examples of network cooperation of business, government authorities and educational institutions in implementation of adult continuous education programs? What are the world trends in online adult education? What are the national and international legal guarantees of accessibility to education for adults?


Round table #11

Challenge. Individual experience of educators and experience of pedagogical schools as an innovative resource of continuous education.


Discussion topic. What is the value of individual experience of educators and experience of pedagogical schools? Why this experience can be considered as innovative resource of continuous education? How important is the accumulation and transmission of advanced pedagogical experience for continuous education development? What pedagogical schools have had and continue having the greatest impact on the training quality in continuous education?


Round table #12

Challenge. Eco-Schools international programme as a model of Education for Sustainable Development and its contribution to lifelong learning worldwide.

Discussion topic: Why Eco-Schools international programme is considered to be a model of Education for Sustainable Development? What best practices can demonstrate its contribution to lifelong learning / continuous education for Sustainable Development?


Round table #13

Challenge. Continuous education as one of the preconditions of healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle as one of the preconditions of lifelong learning. Libraries, museums, theatres, philharmonic halls, art communities, clubs as centers of continuous education of nation.


Discussion topic. Do National and regional concepts of continuous education include healthy lifestyle factor? What is the interconnection between lifelong learning and healthy lifestyle? Is the statement of the Roman writer-satirist Juvenal (about 60 – about 127) «Mens sana in corpore sano» (In healthy body healthy mind) correct?


Round table #14

Challenge. Global system of united computers network for information storage and retrieval. Internet as development source of continuous education and training. International and national open internet universities: its place and role in educational field and legal status. Distance education today and tomorrow.


Discussion topic. Can Internet became an organizational part of traditional education process and recommended source of educational programs? Can universities of distance education be real and is there any need in such kind of educational institution? Is distance education improving or destroying traditional form of educational process?




◄ computer text: no more than seven pages (A4), Times New Roman size 14 MS WORD, line spacing 1.5, the page settings: standard;

◄ title of the article should be printed in CAPITAL letters, initials and surname of the author(s) should be printed under the title in lower case;

◄ key words (up to 7 words) are placed in the next 2 lines;

◄ then summary in Russian and English (up to 4-5 lines each);

◄ illustrations (tables, figures, etc.) should be attached as separate files to the text of the article (resolution of illustrations is at least 300 dpi, the width is not less than 140 mm – standard width of A5);

◄ the texts of articles are accepted together with the Application-Agreement by March 15, 2016;

◄ participation fee is noted in the Application-Agreement, articles without Application-Agreement are not accepted;

◄ participation fee is to be paid only upon receiving the confirmation of the article acceptance and the presentation being included in the conference programme;

◄ participation of more than two co-authors for one article is not recommended;

◄ text of the presentation and Application-Agreement (in case of several co-authors, the Application-Agreement is to be filled in for each co-author separately and registration fee is to be paid for each co-author)

Please send the materials to the Organizing Committee

E-mail: [email protected]



Additional information


▲ If your organization needs to sign an agreement for paying participation fee, all necessary papers for that can be found at




▲ All presentations and papers accepted by the Organizing Committee will be published before the beginning of the conference. Work languages of the conference are Russian and English.


▲Conference organization development, possible changes and additions, accepted papers and other relevant information will be places at the Conference website




▲ Please don’t use any abbreviations in the presentation or article text.



Form № 2(English)




June 3-5, 2016

St. Petersburg

the 1st stage



Dear colleagues!

Please fill in the following registration form in English and send it to our e-mail address:  [email protected]






Second Name


Academic title


Academic degree






Postal code












Presentation theme



date of completing the form


No abbreviations in registration form are permitted !

Participation fee: 100 euro (VAT included).



More detailed information will be sent to you after your getting the notification of being registered as the conference participant




Dear colleague,

Research Institute for social-economic and pedagogical problems of continuous education of Pushkin Leningrad State University is preparing  “Lifelong learning bibliography index for 1990-2015”. We would be grateful if you could send us bibliography information about your publications for inclusion (Email: [email protected]).

For additional information address Anna Dubko

(Email: [email protected]).






World committee for Lifelong Learning

(France, Paris)


Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin

(Russia, Saint Petersburg)


the 5th World Forum for Lifelong Learning


15th jubilee international conference

«Lifelong Learning:

Continuous Education for Sustainable Development»

in Saint Petersburg

on the base of the Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin

on 25–27, May 2017


Press release

Paris – 24/06/2015 – The World Committee for lifelong learning (CMA) had met at a General Assembly 16th June 2015 at the headquarters of the National Union of Rural Family Houses. President Yves ATTOU presented a review of the first decade, establishing that the CMA had focused its activity mainly in reflecting, monitoring and organizing international seminars and global forums while developing national and international partnerships. Thus, the CMA has gained real legitimacy, especially to UNESCO.

The General Assembly decided to go ahead and “put their words into actions” by implementing an international program called “1000 networks for lifelong learning.” The required criteria to be eligible and to sign a partnership agreement will be laid down in the specifications. Among these are the CMA’s original choice including: The holistic approach to education including formal, informal and non-formal, Services  available for people from early childhood to the end of life and for all levels of education, reflections and actions in favor of shortage occupations, professions of the future, “green” jobs, transversal skills and professional integration, citizenship and general knowledge, innovative practices, interaction between real territory and the virtual space and a plural partnership involving all relevant actors in education and training: business, education, civil society, elected representatives, and social partners.

In view of this important development, it was decided to strengthen teams and project groups and increase the pace of internationalization of CMA structures. Furthermore, the current network of delegates implanted in 72 countries will be replaced by “network development missions for lifelong learning.”

The UNESCO General Directorate responded favorably to the CMA’s proposal to create an International Commission for the implementation of lifelong learning. This structure could play, among others, the role of the Scientific Council of the program “1000 networks for lifelong learning.”

Finally, the General Assembly chose Saint Petersburg (Russia) to host the 5th World Forum of lifelong learning in 2017 (25th, 26th and 27thMay 2017). A partnership will be initiated for this purpose, with the University “Pushkin” of Saint Petersburg.

Yves Attou



Project manager of the forum - Marlena Bouche and Irina Bokova UNESCO General Director

Project manager of the forum – Marlena Bouche and Irina Bokova, UNESCO General Director


3 – 5, June 2016


Russia, Saint Petersburg

The United Nations Educational, Scientific

and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 


world commettee for lifelong learning

France, Paris


Inter-parliamentary Assembly

of EurAsian Economic Community

Russia, Saint Petersburg  


The Leningrad State University

named after A.S. Pushkin

(the hosting organization of the conference)

Russia, Saint Petersburg  



(the hosting organization of the 2nd stage of the conference)

Russia, Krasnoyarsk


INSTITUTE OF strategy and education THEORY


Russia, Moscow


UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

Germany, Hamburg


National Center of UNESCO/UNEVOK in the Russian Federation

Russia, Moscow


Representation of the National Center of UNESCO/UNEVOK

in the Russian Federation for the Leningrad Region

Russia, Saint Petersburg


National Academy of Education

named after Y. Altynsarin

Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana


Tajik State Pedagogical University

named after S. Ayni

the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe



Yapan, Nagoya



 Russia, Moscow




Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent




Canada, Terrebonne


UNESCO/UNEVOK CENTER at Hong Kong  Institute of Education

Hong Kong










The first stage – 3–5, June 2016, Russia, Saint Petersburg

The second stage – 22–24, September 2016, Russia, Krasnoyarsk



Chairman – Viacheslav N. Skvortsov, rector of the Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin, Dr. (Economics), PhD (Education), full professor (Russia, Saint Petersburg).

Co-chairman – Nikolay A. Lobanov, director of the Research Institute for Social, Economic and Pedagogical Problems of Continuous Education of Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin, Full professor (Russia, Saint Petersburg).

Co-Chairman of the 2nd stageYevgeny A. Vaganov, rector of the Siberian Federal University, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, full professor (Russia, Krasnoyarsk).


Members of the Organizing Committee:

Yves Attou – president of the World Committee for Lifelong Learning (France, Paris).

Zhanbol O. Zhilbaev – president of National Academy of Education n.a. Y. Altynsarin (Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana).

Svetlana V. Ivanova – director of the Institute of Strategy and Education Theory of the Russian Academy of Education, Dr. (Education), full professor, (Russia, Moscow).

Arne Carlsen – Director of UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Honorary professor at Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin, Honorary professor at International Institute of Adult and Lifelong Education (India), Honorary professor at University of Latvia, Honorary professor at Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences (Germany, Hamburg).

Tatiana Yu. Lomakina  – Director of the National UNESCO\UNEVOC Centre in Russian Federation, Head of the Centre of «Institute for Strategy of Education

Development of the Russian Academy of Education», Dr. (Education), (Russia, Moscow).

Eugenia I. Mikhailova – rector of North-Eastern Federal University n.a. M.K. Ammosov, member of the Russian Academy of Education, Dr. (Education), PhD (Psychology) (Russia, Yakutsk).

Margarita Pavlova  – director of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Center, Hong Kong Institute of Education, PhD (China, Hong Kong).

Abdudzhabbor A. Rakhmonov – assistant to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan for social development affairs and public relations, member of the Academy of  Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dr. (Education), full professor (Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe).

Khikmatulla F. Rashidov – director of Uzbek Research Institute for pedagogical sciences n.a. Kary Niyazi, Dr. (Education), full professor, Honorary Professor at Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin (Uzbekistan, Tashkent).

Georgiy A. Rudik – director of the Centre of Contemporary Pedagogy «Education without borders», professor, Dr. (Pedagogy), PhD (Engineering) (Canada, Terrebonne).

Olga G. Smolyninova – director of the Institute of Pedagogics, Psychology and Sociology, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, full professor, Dr. (Education), Siberian Federal University (Russia, Krasnoyarsk).

Annely Temmes – general director of the Finnish Institute of Public Management (Finland, Helsinki).

Yury V. Senko – professor of the UNESCO department, member of the Russian Academy of Education, full member of the International Academy of the Humanitarian Education, Altai State University (Russia, Barnaul).

Yevgeny S. Szhenov – president of the International Association for Continuing Education, head of the expert group of the Commission of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, PhD (Social Sciences) (Russia, Moscow).

Nikolay V. Susha – rector of the Minsk Innovation University, Dr. (Economics), full professor (Republic of Belarus, Minsk).


The Secretariate. Staff of the RISEPPCE of Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin:

Tatiana V. Prok, PhD (Economics), senior researcher, Head of the Secretariat; Anna V. Dubko, junior researcher, master of finances and banking; Andrey V. Koivunen, junior researcher; Anastasia M. Iordanskaya, research assistant.


Organizational support. Natural Sciences, Geography and Tourism Department; Educational and tourist center «Tsarskoye Selo Campus» of Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin.




June, 2 2016                     Arrival, check-in at the hotels. 

June, 3 2016                     Plenary meeting, Round tables.

June, 4 2016                     Round tables.

June ,5 2016                     Cultural and Education programme. 

June, 6 2016                     Departure of the conference participants.



1. Discussion of the fundamental and applied aspects of continuous education for sustainable development. 2. Promotion and practical application of the main trends of UNESCO, UNESCO National committees, national doctrines and pragmatic innovations in the field of continuous education and lifelong learning. 3. Widening of international interdisciplinary cooperation of educators, researchers and managers of education system (from school directors to the minister of education) in the field of continuous education.  4. Developing the network of institutes and universities, scientific, educational and research centers of continuous education. 5. Suggestions of the conference participants for international pedagogic community and organizers of all educational levers.







(The program will be formed according to the received suggestions

from the conference participants)




Round table #1.

Challenge. The main trend of lifelong learning is learning rural settlement, learning city, learning region, learning country, learning planet. Lifelong learning as separate branch of international and national law: problems of forming and development; place and role of the lifelong learning in the national legislation. Global network of continuous education and problems of development of the international law to regulate lifelong learning as supernational educational process.


Discussion topic. Is the global open system of continuous education being formed now? What role in this world process is played by UNESCO, other international educational organizations and national systems of lifelong learning? What are the trends of modern national models of lifelong learning? Are they in correlation with the goal of the main trend of lifelong learning? Is the global network of lifelong learning being formed destroys the historically formed national educational systems or is it the way for the national benefit and world sustainability? Is there any need in international regulation of the continuous education? Is forming of the lifelong learning society a utopia or reality? Is it time to replace one of the most important human constitutional rights by human right to continuous education?





Round table #2

Challenge. Pedagogical science and practice of continuous education in the focus of modernization and education renewal: national and world experience. Theoretic, methodological and axiological problems of continuous education for sustainable development: new educational values for sustainable development; mission of lifelong learning in the context of global and local society problems.


Discussion topic. Is modernization and renewal of education caused by the development of pedagogical science and practice or the development of pedagogical science and practice caused by the institutional influence of education renewal? Though which social channels and mechanism continuous education influence or can influence the world sustainable development?


Round table #3

Challenge. Competence, competitiveness and ethics are main contents and imperatives of modern continuous education. Lifelong development of human professional competences: place and role of the state, society and human himself in practical implementation of this process.


Discussion topic. Are the ethical and humanistic fundamentals of future employee’s personality development not pushed out with the modern stringent requirements of competence and competitiveness in educational process? General and branch criteria of employee’s competence. Is it possible to consider employee’s competitiveness and competence in isolation from his moral conduct? Does the modern pedagogical science in the context of continuous education organization influence the mitigation of general, as well as employment and domestic cruelty both in a separate region, country and the whole world?


Round table #4

Challenge. Social partnership in the system of professional continuous education: its forms and national particularities, levels of social partnership, its branch popularity, problems of  partnership relations establishment, its benefit and negative side, assessment of its efficiency.


Discussion topic. Is social partnership a new developing form of cooperation in the system of continuous education or the temporary way of challenges overcoming in modern system of education? Are full rights of social partnership participants provided in educational process and which factors can influence it? Are short-term and long-term educational interests of the state provided in real activities of the social partnership? What are the development prospects of this kind of educational relationship?



Round table #5

Challenge. Continuation and contingence of each levels of lifelong learning: preschool education, school education and upbringing, initial professional education, secondary professional education, higher professional education, additional professional education, advanced training and retraining. New pedagogical and organizational strategies in continuous education.


Discussion topic. Are continuation and contingence concepts of all educational levels reply to educational standards, educational programs and practice of its implication? Can all offered pedagogical and organizational strategies in continuous education be called innovational? Are the social roles of educator and learner being changed at various levels of continuous education and what is the dialectics of this process? What does continuous education bring new to this process? 


Round table #6

Challenge. Secular and religious education: historical traditions and the current state. Secular and religious education in the context of continuous education: global and national problems. The church and its formal and informal role in national education system, in intellectual and moral development of student’s personality. System of religious professional continuous education.


Discussion topic. What unites religious and secular continuous education? What are confessional national differences of church’s influence on secular continuous education and spiritual development of personality of a student and an employee?


Round table #7

Challenge. Pedagogical and organizational strategies, social and legal conditions in lifelong learning for people with special needs and people of the third age, its practice and implementation. Integration problems of people with special needs and people of the third age in the educational field of a region. Opportunities and difficulties people with special needs and people of the third age face on labor market.


Discussion topic. Are multilevel continuous education always available for people with special needs and people of the third age? Are all levels of continuous education providing necessary conditions for inclusive education? What are job opportunities for people with special needs after getting vocational education? Is labor market ready to receive them?


Round table #8

Challenge. Methods and technologies of lifelong learning and continuous education used in everyday pedagogical practice. Experience sharing. Creative pedagogy as condition of development of a new type professional in the system of professional continuous education.


Discussion topic. Can offered and applied methods and technologies of lifelong learning and continuous education be always considered as innovative ones and what are the proofs of their innovative aspects?


Round table #10

Challenge. Adult continuous education: new forms of organization and technology. Development of the adult continuous education system as strategic vector of workforce capacity of Russia.


Discussion topic. What are the priorities of adult continuous education system in Russia? Do we have successful examples of network cooperation of business, government authorities and educational institutions in implementation of adult continuous education programs? What are the world trends in online adult education? What are the national and international legal guarantees of accessibility to education for adults?


Round table #11

Challenge. Individual experience of educators and experience of pedagogical schools as an innovative resource of continuous education.


Discussion topic. What is the value of individual experience of educators and experience of pedagogical schools? Why this experience can be considered as innovative resource of continuous education? How important is the accumulation and transmission of advanced pedagogical experience for continuous education development? What pedagogical schools have had and continue having the greatest impact on the training quality in continuous education?


Round table #12

Challenge. Eco-Schools international programme as a model of Education for Sustainable Development and its contribution to lifelong learning worldwide.

Discussion topic: Why Eco-Schools international programme is considered to be a model of Education for Sustainable Development? What best practices can demonstrate its contribution to lifelong learning / continuous education for Sustainable Development?


Round table #13

Challenge. Continuous education as one of the preconditions of healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle as one of the preconditions of lifelong learning. Libraries, museums, theatres, philharmonic halls, art communities, clubs as centers of continuous education of nation.


Discussion topic. Do National and regional concepts of continuous education include healthy lifestyle factor? What is the interconnection between lifelong learning and healthy lifestyle? Is the statement of the Roman writer-satirist Juvenal (about 60 – about 127) «Mens sana in corpore sano» (In healthy body healthy mind) correct?


Round table #14

Challenge. Global system of united computers network for information storage and retrieval. Internet as development source of continuous education and training. International and national open internet universities: its place and role in educational field and legal status. Distance education today and tomorrow.


Discussion topic. Can Internet became an organizational part of traditional education process and recommended source of educational programs? Can universities of distance education be real and is there any need in such kind of educational institution? Is distance education improving or destroying traditional form of educational process?




◄ computer text: no more than seven pages (A4), Times New Roman size 14 MS WORD, line spacing 1.5, the page settings: standard;

◄ title of the article should be printed in CAPITAL letters, initials and surname of the author(s) should be printed under the title in lower case;

◄ key words (up to 7 words) are placed in the next 2 lines;

◄ then summary in Russian and English (up to 4-5 lines each);

◄ illustrations (tables, figures, etc.) should be attached as separate files to the text of the article (resolution of illustrations is at least 300 dpi, the width is not less than 140 mm – standard width of A5);

◄ the texts of articles are accepted together with the Application-Agreement by April 15, 2016;

◄ participation fee is noted in the Application-Agreement, articles without Application-Agreement are not accepted;

◄ participation fee is to be paid only upon receiving the confirmation of the article acceptance and the presentation being included in the conference programme;

◄ participation of more than two co-authors for one article is not recommended;

◄ text of the presentation and Application-Agreement (in case of several co-authors, the Application-Agreement is to be filled in for each co-author separately and registration fee is to be paid for each co-author)

Please send the materials to the Organizing Committee

E-mail: [email protected]



Additional information


▲ If your organization needs to sign an agreement for paying participation fee, all necessary papers for that can be found at




▲ All presentations and papers accepted by the Organizing Committee will be published before the beginning of the conference. Work languages of the conference are Russian and English.


▲Conference organization development, possible changes and additions, accepted papers and other relevant information will be places at the Conference website




▲ Please don’t use any abbreviations in the presentation or article text.



Form № 2(English)




June 3-5, 2016

St. Petersburg

the 1st stage



Dear colleagues!

Please fill in the following registration form in English and send it to our e-mail address:  [email protected]






Second Name


Academic title


Academic degree






Postal code












Presentation theme



date of completing the form


No abbreviations in registration form are permitted !

Participation fee: 100 euro (VAT included).



More detailed information will be sent to you after your getting the notification of being registered as the conference participant




Dear colleague,

Research Institute for social-economic and pedagogical problems of continuous education of Pushkin Leningrad State University is preparing  “Lifelong learning bibliography index for 1990-2015”. We would be grateful if you could send us bibliography information about your publications for inclusion (Email: [email protected]).

For additional information address Anna Dubko

(Email: [email protected]).






World committee for Lifelong Learning

(France, Paris)


Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin

(Russia, Saint Petersburg)


the 5th World Forum for Lifelong Learning


15th jubilee international conference

«Lifelong Learning:

Continuous Education for Sustainable Development»

in Saint Petersburg

on the base of the Leningrad State University n.a. Pushkin

on 25–27, May 2017


Все права защищены © 2002-2015
НИИ С-ЭиППНО ЛГУ им. А. С. Пушкина
[email protected]